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life well traveled

How to Choose Your Friends


How to Choose Your Friends

This is a strong title for a blog that is soft and entertaining! But as you scroll down, and read (which nowadays seems like a huge effort) you will find out the reason behind such a title.


Who among you have heard of the Fortress of SmarJbeil?


A Friend is not only someone who you would like to please, rather someone who would be pleased to be around you and with you. There are plenty of factors that help in building a friendship. (click on the word, it will lead you to a definition given by google) Just as there are one’s own ways. But the choice I am writing about here, is the one which will lead you to befriend yourself first. How’s that?!

If you don’t enjoy your own company, how will you enjoy someone else’s?


‘Esperanza’ is a friend that appreciate her own company, and who has been teaching me through her soft and loyal way how to value my own company.


Through discovering or better said, exploring, we are adding to our daily journals, beautiful historical places and emotions. Here comes the importance of photography. I can firmly disclose that photos tell the truth (of course, if they are not photoshopped, smiling here), and that these keep our memories refreshed.


While there, Naji, responsible for the maintenance and guard of the Fortress, showed us and stayed with us all throughout the day. He was so hospitable, so cute, he even picked up some fresh figs for us.


It was such an enchanting day. Naji spoke beautiful words to each one of us three. But his appreciation was at large for Esperanza; for her lady-like, delicate way…


She allows me to talk, gives me the space to listen to myself, thus supporting me as a real friend would. Imagine a safe harbour, that is how she makes it look like, the space we share as friends!


With me, it is like this… framing the best moments!


Naji took us to visit his mother… and the little chapel of Saint Therese, and as I laid my eyes upon these windows, I had to capture them through my lens.


Here I am, all so happy and so at ease, enjoying my days with my friends. Exploring the country that I so love and cherish, for its history, its rich culture, its delicious food, etc… There is a certain ‘je ne sais quois’ here in Lebanon that you should all experience some time in your lives. And greater still, is the fact that, it doesn’t matter the time, there is always a good chance you will live such wonderful experiences.

In the next blog, I shall tell you about the style I have adopted long ago; because my friends, life is short to wear ugly! : )
